Sunday, October 20, 2013

Awesome Work

Carolyn Mellace: The Blue Sapphire 

She used to teach on Thursday nights and again on Sunday but now the treat of Carolyn Mellace is singular, Sunday.  Sundays with Carolyn is for me something I have missed until more recently and I am glad I am making it back to spinning with this lithesome jewel.  

 Sunday the traditional day of rest finds us all here working just like it was a weekday. And today with Stacy’s bike bedecked in balloons and tinsel we were set for a festive ride in the saddle. Once the congratulations were made to our celebrant the real work began. The Blue Sapphire’s ride is no walk in the park even though she delivers her ride with sparkling blue eyes and a knockout smile.  Carolyn was the first instructor that taught me “jumps” and how to do them with the least amount of shock to the body. These moves are the real burn to the ride and although it’s taken me awhile I have the movement down with fluidity.   I love when she says: “Saddle Down” I don’t know why but I do know that “jumps” get me to my anaerobic threshold faster than any other interval can.  

Sundays with Carolyn are pure joy and the workout is kick ass. I can still feel the fire in my legs. I’ll be back for The Blue Sapphire: Carolyn Mellace.