Sunday, January 19, 2014

Queen Bee

I know her as The Blue Sapphire and the Lambster but she was the Queen Bee today. Her flawless execution of workout and discography made for a lightning like session. She helped me cap off yet another week of higher watts and calories burned. Carolyn is a master motivator and with the new equipment we have the wings to fly strong in and out of the saddle.  The new Schwinn’s are not perfect but a vast improvement over their predecessors. They have amped up the workout immeasurably.  

And the Queen Bee had it all going on today and we were the worker bees buzzing up and down her hive.  The energy for the early Sunday session had us focused, driven and relentless. For this writer that front row can be daunting but I like it up there with the likes of the Stacy Tucker’s of the world. Women like her and guys like Michael and Roy add just the right pressure for me to give my level best every session.  

Sunday usually ends the weekend but MLK has us savoring Monday as well. Thanks Carolyn for making Sunday morning great and to my friends Kristen Finello and Cameron Bean for a most enjoyable brunch too!