Sunday, March 23, 2014

Above & Beyond

When I drive into that parking lot and gather my gym bag in my hand I know that I am starting my day off on the right foot. Even though I will be using both the time I spend is well worth my efforts. My fitness regimen will insure a longer life (God willing) and one that keeps my mind alert, friends in touch and my aching body full of complaints. The alternative is not one that I can ever foresee because an athlete’s life is my life. 

This Sunday had me at church first leading my “other life” reading scripture at the lectern before I could saddle up and saddle down in Carolyn’s 9:15. The times have changed a bit as an 8 o’clock has been added for those hearty souls that need to start their Sunday just a bit earlier. I caught 5 minutes of John Kocaj’s class just because well just because. John is an under the radar instructor in my opinion. He doesn’t make a big splash but every one of his classes is power packed, constructed with strong preparation and something else he has elegance in his delivery with a dialogue to match. 

Sunday’s with Carolyn is something I am glad to get back to as this diminutive wonder is an all pro that keeps on delivering just as if she worked at EQ full time. There is no fall off with the Lambster’s limited schedule and Carolyn rounds out the stellar lineup just perfectly. She drives me hard and I like it like that. Every session has me pressing myself just one pedal stroke stronger than the class before. And Carolyn recognizes that we are athletes and we don’t mail it in ever! We take it above and beyond.  There are times when I feel and pardon the self-aggrandizement that we in Woodbury are the Elite. When I looked at Ferne and Janet next to me and Yale and Ritchie during the session all reminded me that although we are there to have fun we take spin class very seriously and whether that’s crazy or not we love it. That’s why I dig the first row we are there as Carolyn said: The first row represents.