Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Lambster Chronicles

It’s Sunday and time for a ride with The Blue Sapphire Carolyn Mellace. I have to digress before I write here and I ask you have you taken a good look at her lately? I hope I don’t embarrass her but her physiology is killer. If there is one ounce of fat on this woman it’s hiding in under her big toe because when I use the word lithesome Carolyn’s picture is next to that word in the dictionary. Amazingly fit body on this lady.  

She’s an extreme motivator always has been in my opinion and she brings it every time. We all have our off days but not The Blue Sapphire she’s ON every class. And today was no exception the discography was rocking and her voice over matched the syncopated beat. 

Some of my favorite spin mates were in attendance like Stacy, Josh and Howard and Ferne to mention a few they just add to the convivial ambience I experience when I enter the Lavender Palace. I forget my troubles and soak in the energy of my friends they always seem to lift my spirits. 

Carolyn had the baton today and her orchestration was fabulous. Thanks Carolyn for a great start to a Sunday as our summer winds down.  

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