Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cat's Paw

Carolyn professed tonight that she wasn’t going to be pussy footing around with us. And that was going to be the title for tonight’s post but let’s face it this lithe figure   is more like a lioness hungry for prey than any kitten I could imagine. And what makes it all palatable is that effervescent smile she flashes as she adjusts her ponytail into a tight bun. 

I like this Thursday night thing firstly because I can get a bike with relative ease, secondly it gives me the whole day to recover from the previous days spin and last but not least we have The Blue Sapphire a truly gifted athlete that loves what she does and her attitude reflects just that.

Tonight I could feel twinges in my left calf as I rocked up to position 3 and I immediately backed off a bit but it seemed to abate by mid session and I was reminded quite succinctly that I need to stretch more.  This frame is approaching the winter season and I have to come to grips that I have to oil the moving parts at least every 100 miles. 

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