Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spinning Choreography

This was my second dance with Carolyn Mellace and with a full house in the CS this Sunday morning; the heat was turned up full with all of us in pedal stroke synchronicity.  Carolyn Mellace a petite physically gifted specimen with flashing eyes fixed on high beam and a neon smile that sets off her riveting countenance. 

This spinning class unique unto itself had me running low on gasoline by the 50th minute.  It might have been the combination of speed and resistance that had me so caught up in keeping pace with this female dynamo.  She may be diminutive in stature but the talent wheel she spins is 10 feet tall.  Truly here is another gemstone in the Equinox palace of professionals.

I wasn’t expecting to enjoy myself as much as I did but Carolyn’s choice of music felt like Shakespearean iambic pentameter.  She had each interval choreographed perfectly and the condiment of her smile made it way more than worthwhile. 

I don’t know just how many spin classes these old legs can handle but they will just have to make an adjustment to include Sundays with Carolyn.  I can’t wait until next time. They boys in the locker room were all buzzing about how great this class was and how Mellace must be running on 93 octane.  I totally concur. A spinning mate John told me she has an evening version on Thursdays, I want to catch that edition when that one goes to press too. 

Spinning Choreography: Plays on Sunday Mornings at 10:15 don’t miss it.

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