Sunday, July 11, 2010

Peanut Butter Without Oil

The Sunday version of The Blue Sapphire had me experiencing 'dead legs'. It might have been too many spin classes this week or what Carolyn suggested: I had too much road on in the days preceding. I am never quite satisfied that I have given enough effort when I spin but that idea as I sit here is poppycock . Every session is a mind bending one in terms of concentration, sweat and determination.

Today the Blue Sapphire termed her musical selection 'eclectic' and indeed it was but it was all good from these set of ears. We had a packed house on this very sunny Sunday and from position #2 I could see and hear TBS in very clear tones. I must say I love when she uses her arms as if she is rowing it gives me such a sense that she is so totally engaged with us all.

Peanut butter without oil. It did feel like that today, a good tasting class but there was no fat no oil in this hour because TBS never lets us forget we are here to work and sliding in oil is just not part of her repertoire. Peanut butter without oil, indeed healthy but not so easy to swallow. But if you ask everyone, we like it like that especially in Sundays With Carolyn.

Up close in #2 this heavenly body, The Blue Sapphire, has an amazing constellation dotted with two sparkling blue stars atop her diminutive athletic frame.  

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