Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black & Purple

There are certain Carolyn-isms I love. BEAUTIFUL JOB! is one of them. 
 Another is and I am not sure how to spell it, but I will take a shot. Unh-unh-unh. It comes when she is posting up for a sprint. I get pumped up for those and there are not many instructors that get me in the anaerobic zone on a flat road, but she does.  

Today like all her classes time rockets by, and when I looked up for the first time at the clock, 45 minutes was gone. I was blown away; it was going to be over way too soon. I always take that to mean that I had a great time and when I think back on most of my workouts at Equinox prior to my spin career there’s not many that I can say I enjoyed as much as I do when I am in the CS, and The Blue Sapphire is an integral part of this bliss.  

I wanted to title this entry something like Black and Blue Sapphire. Our heroine had on a black top and I could have sworn she had on a pair of blue tights.  Sounds picturesque, but those hopes were dashed when Carolyn said what’s up those purple pants?  I was damn sure they were blue. I know that black and blue marks turn purple but that was not going to fit my story line. I am a little short on metaphors, but if something comes to me I will make sure I add it as an extra later tonight. 

It was a great week all around and Sunday was icing on the cupcake. 

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