Friday, April 8, 2011

Lamby Stories

Two Blue Sapphires in a row. Last Sunday and then this Thursday and I am ready for the funny farm. Not because of Carolyn but I am reeling just a bit from 3 spin classes with Svengali on Wednesday. I don’t expect anyone to feel sorry for me I just don’t think that I will do that again so that I can write a story entitled “Tripple Play”. 

Carolyn Mellace what can be said about her that hasn’t already been said? I won’t mention her lithe form, her sparkling blue eyes or just how skilled she is when she leads a class because we all know this about her already. So what is it that I can say that hasn’t been said? Is it her genuine concern for students? No we know that. Is it the fact that she always gives us more for our money? No that’ true but no that’s not it. Is it because her choreography is never the same? Well that’s true too but that’s not the reason. I will get to it relax. And let’s skip her stunning physiology and beauteous countenance and we might as well lump in her seemingly unending athleticism too but I still haven’t got to it. Still want to know I just thought of what it is and I bet I just bet you will agree but didn’t think of this. You’ll have to ask me if you care but even if you don’t the reasons given are reason enough to spin with The Blue Sapphire, Carolyn Mellace on Thursday nights at 6 or Sundays at 1030. 
I never knew that lambs had belly buttons but I do now. 

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