Today I entered The Blue Sapphire’s class under my own imbecilic circumstances. After taking two beta-blockers this morning I remained in A-Fib as I ascended the stairs to the CS. Looking down at my HR monitor, it was jumping in the 160s a number I do not even reach during full out effort in any spin class. So my first inclination was to just sit for a bit and I found myself in repose next to Louis and Nancy Kaplan as they were deep in confab which I shut my ears to because it was well none of my business. After a few minutes I got up and entered the studio from the back door into a bike I never ride and that’s #55 and I figured it was an unobtrusive way not to disturb the very professional Carolyn Mellace.
So much of the past week has been about being connected to the bike in terms of the pedal stroke and the resistance wheel and this morning, it could not have been more the complete opposite. As I kept most of the resistance off, I watched the vigorous efforts in front of me and I was for all intents and purposes an onlooker. I decided to watch my monitor and as it danced never dipping below three digits, I hit a high of 212 which I didn’t think was possible given my age but as I am here to tell I guess it was, but my theory of being able to exercise myself out of my atrial fibrillation was in retrospect a childish notion.
My HR monitor told me I burned 600 calories in the 40 or so minutes I hung in there and I knew that was erroneous as I probably never hit 50 in the new all important measurement of watts. We used to watch the money supply of M-1 and M-2, the 30 year Treasury and the CPI and now its watts and when we get our new bike monitors like the ones we had in our Greenwich ride you can be sure I will be pushing to break 300.
I apologize to Carolyn because she told me not to ride and if there is anyone that I would hate to have angry at me is The Blue Sapphire, Carolyn Mellace.
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