Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday With Carolyn

Carolyn was nothing short of spectacular this morning. She has embraced these new consoles without letting them take center stage.  I know that the power numbers are the true measure of our efforts but each bike’s calibrations might be slightly different than the next and what I have to keep in mind is that each day is different and just like a pitcher whose curve ball doesn’t curve or sinker that doesn’t sink one class doesn’t have to mirror the last.  I may have more energy than the day before or just be dragging my butt.  Carolyn knows that instinctively and unlike me to her numbers are merely a guide not a religion. 

What The Blue Sapphire has done is put the fun back into our beloved spin class and given me a sense that I don’t have to exceed yesterday’s numbers but rather see progress over time. The Watts and other indicators are a measuring stick and are not there to hold us hostage for higher numbers every time we saddle up.  

The crowd on Sunday’s always seems to be just a bit different than during the week or on Saturday’s but there’s a good sprinkling of some of my favorites like Howard, Ferne and Ivan to name but a few and the new faces were just as energetic just as enthralling to be with and for that I thank you.  And Carolyn I am so glad that I have made it back to your class with more regularity. There was one that was conspicuous by her absence but I am sure she will be there smiling tomorrow. 

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