Sunday, June 5, 2011

Woodbury Safari

It seems I have gotten away from my reports from one of my favorite Equinox professionals and that’s The Blue Sapphire, Carolyn Mellace. She was fresh from her first class on Sunday called Cardio Boot camp. A real killer diller I am told.  Ari sitting on the benches in the common area near the locker rooms was   looking quite beleaguered. He was all in from his experience and I for one was glad that I only had to fulfill one hour with the lithesome lambster. 

Although the day beckoned with a beautiful sunshine that has been so rare this spring, it was yet another chance to play with our new consoles Kristen had unveiled for us on Saturday. One of the drawbacks of our new toys at least initially was the fact that today I couldn’t seem to keep my eyes off the screen. With my glasses cascading sweat down my lenses, I was still able to see through my self-induced rain shower and get acclimated to my own pace.  I think these consoles will also help me take away some of the guesswork that I still am challenged with and that’s that red wheel. And secondly it really is keeping me from drifting too low after a breakaway as seems to be my wont as I described in my last entry. I even got to experiment and see what 120 RPM’s was like in the sitting position without bouncing too much off the seat.  I had a mental block about speeds over 100 RPM’s but maybe it’s not as daunting as I first had anticipated.   I do think that when the “watts” feature is added it will be the missing chess piece that will complete the full strategy Kristen and her staff to make our ride the most efficient ever.  

Carolyn was looking ferocious this morning and before she boarded for our safari she had the look of a hungry lioness with her full long blonde mane. I knew we were either going to get eaten or we would join her in the mission of destroying fat cells. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

HR: 212

Today I entered The Blue Sapphire’s class under my own imbecilic circumstances. After taking two beta-blockers this morning I remained in A-Fib as I ascended the stairs to the CS. Looking down at my HR monitor, it was jumping in the 160s a number I do not even reach during full out effort in any spin class. So my first inclination was to just sit for a bit and I found myself in repose next to Louis and Nancy Kaplan as they were deep in confab which I shut my ears to because it was well none of my business.  After a few minutes I got up and entered the studio from the back door into a bike I never ride and that’s #55 and I figured it was an unobtrusive way not to disturb the very professional Carolyn Mellace.

So much of the past week has been about being connected to the bike in terms of the pedal stroke and the resistance wheel and this morning, it could not have been more the complete opposite.  As I kept most of the resistance off, I watched the vigorous efforts in front of me and I was for all intents and purposes an onlooker. I decided to watch my monitor and as it danced never dipping below three digits, I hit a high of 212 which I didn’t think was possible given my age but as I am here to tell I guess it was, but my theory of being able to exercise myself out of my atrial fibrillation was in retrospect a childish notion. 

My HR monitor told me I burned 600 calories in the 40 or so minutes I hung in there and I knew that was erroneous as I probably never hit 50 in the new all important measurement of watts. We used to watch the money supply of M-1 and M-2, the 30 year Treasury and the CPI and now its watts and when we get our new bike monitors like the ones  we had in our Greenwich ride you can be sure I will be pushing to break 300. 

I apologize to Carolyn because she told me not to ride and if there is anyone that I would hate to have angry at me is The Blue Sapphire, Carolyn Mellace. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Lamby Stories

Two Blue Sapphires in a row. Last Sunday and then this Thursday and I am ready for the funny farm. Not because of Carolyn but I am reeling just a bit from 3 spin classes with Svengali on Wednesday. I don’t expect anyone to feel sorry for me I just don’t think that I will do that again so that I can write a story entitled “Tripple Play”. 

Carolyn Mellace what can be said about her that hasn’t already been said? I won’t mention her lithe form, her sparkling blue eyes or just how skilled she is when she leads a class because we all know this about her already. So what is it that I can say that hasn’t been said? Is it her genuine concern for students? No we know that. Is it the fact that she always gives us more for our money? No that’ true but no that’s not it. Is it because her choreography is never the same? Well that’s true too but that’s not the reason. I will get to it relax. And let’s skip her stunning physiology and beauteous countenance and we might as well lump in her seemingly unending athleticism too but I still haven’t got to it. Still want to know I just thought of what it is and I bet I just bet you will agree but didn’t think of this. You’ll have to ask me if you care but even if you don’t the reasons given are reason enough to spin with The Blue Sapphire, Carolyn Mellace on Thursday nights at 6 or Sundays at 1030. 
I never knew that lambs had belly buttons but I do now. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lithesome Lamb

It’s been several fortnights since I have had the distinct pleasure of spin class with The Blue Sapphire. I can attest that only scheduling kept me from her penetrating blue eyes and adroit call.  Carolyn is always Sunday entertrainment and it was great to be back in the Schwinn saddle with her at the microphone. 

She might be lithesome and she might be nicknamed the Lambster by her brother siblings, but this woman is more like a miniature mountain lion than a docile barnyard creature. I absolutely loved her choreography today as it had the yin yang of what goes up must come down. The oscillation between the heavy roads of peanut butter without oil to the hot knife through butter of the flats gave today’s ride the excitement I have always found she lends to the proceedings in the Lavender Palace. 

It’s been a great week in the CS between the Evil Woman, Tripper and now ending with The Blue Sapphire, Carolyn Mellace. I thank you all for extending me your considerate expertise, enthusiasm and devotion to the craft of spin.  

Sunday, February 20, 2011

S & M

I am discovering the lyrics to some of these songs we hear everyday in spin class that I never paid any attention to.  The latest is Rihanna’s S & M.  The Blue Sapphire informed us that the video was controversial. I watched and it was suggestive but nothing that we haven’t seen in the movies or on satellite or cable television. It would seem that we constantly have to push the envelope and that the more shocking our entertainers can be the more attention they garner. No judgment just some observation. “Stick and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me.”  Kinda catchy ain’t it?

No Kristen on Saturday, no problem. We have the Blue Sapphire, Carolyn Mellace on Sunday.  Carolyn has 20 plus years in the fitness industry and her knowledge in the health field is vast as well. She has tutored me on several topics closest to my heart, which I am so thankful for. Bright, entertaining and relentless would be just three adjectives I would use to describe this talented star of the Equinox staff. I have said many things about her before and she continues to deliver time and time again. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Science Sapphire

The Blue Sapphire Sunday edition now moved back 15 minutes to 10:30 was superlative again today. Carolyn has the medical background that dovetails perfectly into her expertise as a spin instructor. She talked about the central nervous system and you just get the feeling that she knows what she is talking about. Never assuming, and always-in touch with her class as it is happening. She is what she calls “old school” and one of the techniques she uses is  “jumps” in every one of her classes. And what I found now that I have my HR monitor in class is that during these intervals my HR is flush up against my upper limits without having too have much resistance on. Spin always seems to amaze me because it’s not always what I  perceive to be true is true. It was a great lesson for my heart and me today.  

Next to me were two people and they weren’t married or boyfriend-girlfriend. They were mother and son. Lindsey and his mom, Ivy were working out together. Now what brought that home for me was that I never ever worked out with my mom, mainly because the opportunity never came up.  And so I say Lindsey treasure these days that you can look over in the next bike and see your mother. 

The Blue Sapphire loves feedback in her class, as it’s her way of gauging the pace and temperature of her riders.  If she asks: How are you Sunday? She wants to hear how we are. I am always vocal when I feel the urge and today we had a newbie, Cheryl who was particularly vociferous this morning. She was audible and it’s great when the female gender let’s everyone else know how they are feeling. So let’s not be shy because we are here to workout but also to have fun. Thanks Cheryl for not being self-conscious and whooping it up.